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Anna Bacchia ÌNIN Projects

Consciousness Theatre of Being

.. where Consciousness is the Theatre of Being

A new interrelation among each other and with the world takes shape

Consciousness Theatre of Being in San Francisco
On Stage in San Francisco
Consciousness Theatre of Being in Lugano
On Stage in Lugano
Consciousness Theatre of Being in Frankfurt
On Stage in Frankfurt

Consciousness Theatre of Being is a conference – narration on stage where the audience can experience how the innate and still unexplored INtuitive INsight ÌNIN can develop a new r-evolutionary interrelation, knowledge and understanding.
Consciousness Theatre of Being is the narration where Consciousness is the Theatre of Being, where we can recognize that discovery and creation are the texture of human evolution, starting from our daily life.

According to contemporary Sciences, the Nature of all that exists is a symphony of frequencies and information in which we are immersed and of which we are made. In Consciousness Theatre, such symphony resounds, becomes visible, touchable, takes voice on stage, as a narration by Anna Bacchia, and as musical colors, rhythms, timbres, interwoven in a unique improvisation by Enrica Bacchia.

Such narration brings us to experience that the evolving consciousness is the fabric of reality, is the theatre of our daily experiences. As well as it is the extraordinary potential of our intuitive comprehending, our possibility of re-thinking limits, of grasping new innovative perspectives emerging from the Eloquence of Life.
As a responsible instrument of evolution, man can be intuitively informed and enlightened, towards new answers, solutions and vital innovations coherent with the Life which we are.
A new Narration where the spectator is the protagonist. Towards a Civilization of Syntony, of Symphony.

Consciousness Theatre of Being, for its premiere, has been invited to the San Francisco Art Institute by Leonardo/ISAST, International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology, for a performance dedicated to Scientists and Artists from all over the world.
Subsequently, it has been presented in various international locations, such as Venezia, Milano, Firenze, Treviso, Lucca, Pisa, Vittorio Veneto, London, Newcastle, Frankfurt, Lugano, Chiasso, Ascona, Budapest, San Francisco, Medellìn Colombia.

Contact us to plan a performance in your City, in your School, in your Community. Or online for your organization.
