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Anna Bacchia’s International Activities – Highlights

Anna Bacchia presents for the World Peace Forum
Anna Bacchia at the Luxembourg Peace Prize, European Parliament in Luxembourg City

Presentation at the World Peace Forum

As a Laureate of the Luxembourg World Peace Prize, Anna Bacchia is regularly invited to speak at the Events of the World Peace Forum and of the connected Luxembourg World Peace Prize.


Anna Bacchia at the United Nations
Anna Bacchia presents at the United Nations

Keynote Speech at the United Nations

Anna Bacchia several times has been invited as a keynote speaker at the United Nations in Geneva, on her theme “from Logic to Wisdom”. On such theme she is holding Excellence Training Programs for executives, connected to the United Nation’s SDG Programs.


Messages from Honorary Signatories for the Fuji Declarations 7th Anniversary
Poster for the Fuji Declaration’s 7th Anniversary

Honorary Signatory of the Fuji Declaration, Goi Peace Foundation, Japan

As a ‘globally thinking leader in the cause of Peace and Human Enhancement’, Anna Bacchia has been nominated by the Goi Peace Foundation, Tokyo, Japan,  as a Honorary Signatory of the worldwide declaration for Peace ‘The Fuji Declaration’, which from 2015 onwards is being presented to governments worldwide.

For the 7th Anniversary of the Fuji Declaration, Anna Bacchia has been invited to address a message to the Declaration’s Participants.

Read more on the Fuji Declaration Website

World Peace Forum 2019 in Medellin Colombia - Keynote speakers
World Peace Forum 2019 in Medellin, Colombia. Anna Bacchia among the Keynote Speakers

Life Member of the World Peace Forum

For the outcomes of her Research and for her Educational Programs, the Initiator and President of the World Peace Forum, Dominicus Rohde, has invited Anna Bacchia to become a Life Member of the World Peace Forum.

Anna Bacchia and Dominicus Rohde at the Luxembourg Peace Prize
Anna Bacchia with Dominicus Rohde, the late President of the World Peace Forum

With the personal and institutional support of the late President of the World Peace Forum, Dominicus Rohde, Anna Bacchia in 2020 launched the ‘Consciousness Life & Networks‘ online intercultural Educational Program, dedicated to Peace and human well-being. In 2020 and 2021, the ‘Consciousness Life & Networks’ Program was fundamental part of the “Virtual World Peace Forum” during the lockdown. Up today the Program has involved persons from more than 40 Nations.

Consciousness Theatre of Being in Frankfurt
Anna Bacchia and Enrica Bacchia on stage at the International Water Conference in Frankfurt.

International Water Conference

At the ‘International Conference on the Physics, Biology and Chemistry of Water’ in Frankfurt, Germany, Anna Bacchia was invited for a conference-narration of Consciousness Theatre of Being’, which sees her on stage together with the Artist and Vocalist Enrica Bacchia.

Anna Bacchia with Rupert Sheldrake. A. Bacchia, Enrica Bacchia, Roman Calzaferri, Nikolai Blom, Everine van de Kraats Paolo Renati, Rupert Sheldrake, Carlos Orosco (Clockwise from center)
International Water Conference: Anna Bacchia, Enrica Bacchia, Roman Calzaferri, Nikolai Blom, Everine van de Kraats, Rupert Sheldrake, Carlos Orozco (clockwise from center)

The revolutionary Scientist Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, best known for his theory of morphic fields and morphic resonance, called Anna Bacchia’s Intervention ‘a continuous integration among left- and right- brain functions … a fundamental input to create a new way of doing Research.

Gerald Pollack with Anna Bacchia and Enrica Bacchia
Gerald Pollack with Anna Bacchia and Enrica Bacchia

Dr. Gerald Pollack, Discoverer of the Fourth Phase of Water and Organizer of the Water Conference, called Anna Bacchia’s intervention ‘outstanding’, while pointing out that “its innovative potential, its communicative uniqueness, and its reference both to science and to art … provides an important opening of perspectives and creative stimulus for all participants.”

Dr. Gerald Pollack subsequently became a Member of the Scientific Artistic Committee of the ÌNIN Projects

Anna Bacchia among the Laureates of the Luxembourg Peace Prize
Anna Bacchia among the Laureates of the Luxembourg Peace Prize

Laureate of the Luxembourg World Peace Prize

Every year, the World Peace Forum analyzes the social, political and cultural dynamics of all nations, and assigns a Worldwide Peace Prize, to persons, groups or organizations worldwide for tangible actions towards Peace, with the patronage of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Schengen Peace Foundation: the ‘Luxembourg Peace Prize’. In 2017, this Award has been given to the ‘Club of Budapest’, to its Founder Ervin Laszlo and to its Members, and to Anna Bacchia as a Creative Member and Researcher.


Budapest, Hungary: Anna Bacchia becomes Creative Member of the Club of Budapest
Anna Bacchia at the Club of Budapest’s 21st Anniversary Conference

Member of the Club of Budapest

For her Cognitive Research and Intercultural Projects ÌNIN, INtuitive INtelligence, in 2014 Anna Bacchia is nominated Member of the Club of Budapest, [CoB], one of the most prestigious international organization for culture science and art, “dedicated to mobilize the full cultural resources of humanity.
Formed of outstanding personalities of international fame whose achievements exceed the boundary of their professional life and whose unparalleled social responsibility is also generally acknowledged and acclaimed”, the CoB counts among its members the XIVth Dalai Lama, Mikhail Gorbachev, Muhammad Yunus, Gidon Kremer, Edgar Mitchell.

Hiroo Saionji, Masami Saionji, Anna Bacchia, Roman Calzaferri
Hiroo Saionji, Masami Saionji, Anna Bacchia, Roman Calzaferri

With Hiroo Saionji and Masami Saionji, founders of the Goi Peace Foundation, Japan

Several Meetings with Hiroo Saionji and Masami Saioji, initiators of the ‘Goi Peace Foundation’, of ‘May Peace Prevail on Earth‘ and of the ‘Fuji Declaration‘, have brought about a series of Interventions, exchanges and shared Projects.

Anna Bacchia, Roman Calzaferri, Giovanna Fiore, with the Peace Pole
Anna Bacchia with the Peace Pole, with Roman Calzaferri and Giovanna Fiore

Receiving the Peace Pole from Japan

In the context of her engagement as a Honorary Signatory of the ‘Fuji Declaration’, Anna Bacchia has received a Peace Pole from the Goi Peace Foundation, Tokyo, Japan, with the words by Hiroo Saionji and Masami Saionji:

“The Peace Pole is a Symbol of our common dedication to create a Culture of Peace in the Heart of Humanity.”

Anna Bacchia and Fritjof Capra in San Francisco
Anna Bacchia and Fritjof Capra in San Francisco, California

With Fritjof Capra in San Francisco

« ÌNIN is a new access to the Cognitive Process »

Fritjof Capra

In a Research meeting with Anna Bacchia, the physicist and bestselling author Fritjof Capra has defined ÌNIN “a new access to the Cognitive Process” They also focused on the implications this has for all our communication.

Dr. Fritjof Capra has become a Member of the Scientific Artistic Committee of the ÌNIN Projects


Anna Bacchia and Ervin Laszlo
Anna Bacchia and Ervin Laszlo in Pisa, Italy

With Ervin Laszlo in Pisa

« ÌNIN is a leap which allows us to experience directly this connection, this Holos, this deeper reality in which we are all inserted. »

Ervin Laszlo

Given the uniqueness of Anna Bacchia’s Research, Ervin Laszlo has invited her to several Conferences and Research Meetings. For such Interventions, Anna Bacchia has become Research Fellow of the ‘Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research’, and Creative Member of the ‘Club of Budapest’.
Lately, Ervin Laszlo has invited Anna Bacchia to write a keynote chapter on Intuition for his book ‘The Great Upshift’.

Furthermore, since many years, Dr. Ervin Laszlo is a Member of the Scientific Artistic Committee of the ÌNIN Projects


At the Fermilab in Chicago, major Global Research Center in Physics

The Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, or Fermilab, is one of the major research institutions in the world, specialized in high energy particle physics. During her visit at the Fermilab, Anna Bacchia shared her Research with the Director of Fermilab, Pier Maria Oddone, and with the Nobel Prize Laureate Leon Lederman.

Anna Bacchia and Leon Lederman
Anna Bacchia and Leon Lederman at the Fermilab, Chicago

With Nobel Physics Prize Laureate Leon Lederman at the Fermilab, Chicago

With the Nobel Prize for Physics, Leon Lederman, Anna Bacchia discussed on the fundamental role of Intuition in Research, and on the theme of ‘Wonder and Knowledge’.

Dr. Leon Lederman was a Member of the Scientific Artistic Committee of the ÌNIN Projects


Anna Bacchia and Pier Maria Oddone
Anna Bacchia and Pier Maria Oddone at the Fermilab, Chicago

With Pier Maria Oddone, Director of the Fermilab Global Research Center

With the then-current Director of Fermilab, the Physicist Pier Maria Oddone, conversed about the Process of Discovery in Science and the Creative Process in Art.

Anna Bacchia and Marco Bersanelli
Anna Bacchia and Marco Bersanelli in Milano, Italy

With Marco Bersanelli, Head of the ‘Max Planck’ Space Mission of the European Space Agency

With the Astrophysicist Marco Bersanelli discussed about her ÌNIN Research connected to the process of discovery, and to the theme of ‘Wonder and Knowledge’ as described by great Scientists and Artists of all times.