Books & Publications by Anna Bacchia
our Intuition which transforms and creates
The r-evolutionary Upshift
ÌNIN Editions 2023
With an unexplored INtuitive INsight and INtuitive INtelligence, ÌNIN, we can be informed by Life.
And to the enlightening Intuitions which we receive, we can give form: the form of projects, of discoveries, of new answers or solutions, in syntony with the Life we are.
What if we constantly follow
the intuitive information emerging
from the field of existence,
and spontaneously are oriented by it?
What if we sentiently grasp its insights and creative energy,
in tune with the reality of every living being,
within the natural coherence and evolution
of the whole web of Life?
With a regenerative and transformative leap, which integrates our current logical thinking with an analogic and intuitive vision, beyond duality and causality, the ÌNIN path brings us to become sensitive surfers in the unpredictable wind of emerging events along our daily navigation. Agile surfers who elegantly proceed on the constant wave of the Intuition that inspires us and calls us as instruments of vital creation, in a coherent great evolutionary Upshift.
- Ebook Kindle – Buy on Amazon
- Paperback – Buy on Amazon (EU) – Buy on Amazon (US)
- Limited Edition on Textured Paper – Available through the Consciousness Institute in Lugano, Switzerland
Seeing Beyond Spacetime
From the Era of Logic to the Era of Wisdom
Milano, Anima Edzioni 2019
Insight, intuition, foresight: sources of integrity, coherence, wisdom, are innate human gifts. When the eye expands beyond space-time, the grid in which our logic views life dissolves, and our insight grasps the answers to emerging questions. In complexity, where relationships are interdependent, the immense creative potential of our intuitive intelligence is oriented, regenerated, centered by the uniqueness of vital intelligence, and its emergent information: toward a coherent ability to be guided by the unpredictable, and to lead by opening up new evolutionary perspectives, creating integral and essential innov-actions
Available online, or in your bookshop
Holographic Breathing
Our Breathing, an ubiquitous and timeless flow of air
Milano, Anima Edzioni 2016
How can it be possible that our Breathing is not a volontary action of ours, but is independent of us and expression of the Breath of all that exists?
This book brings us to see such process, in the most advanced perspectives of contemporary physics, while it accompanies us into the fabric of the hologram, the originary unity of all that exists, where life is breathing us, just like the dancer does not dance through his will, but rather he is danced by the symphony which creates him and which models his dance instant by instant
The journey into this symphony which the hologram is, where everything that exists is vibration and wave of sound, leads us to leap from our ordinary logical thinking, which sees the world as made of separate and distinct parts, into a new analogic (con-)science: a (con-)science beyond logic, where all the things are one. Here is the dawn of a new Human Species. We already are part of this evolution, where human beings start to interface reality through a new human faculty: an INtuitive INtelligence [ÌNIN] unexplored until now, which is disclosing a new Civilization of Symphony.
“In this fascinating book, cognitive scientist and artist Anna Bacchia offers a unique transdisciplinary exploration of the human voice within the context of a universal breath of life – a vision consistent with the systemic conception of life that is now emerging at the forefront of science.”
Fritjof Capra, Physicist, Scientist, System Theorist.
“Anna Bacchia’s innovative and insightful book provides an important complement to current attempts to provide an encompassing as well as consistent mapping of the world. The Holographic Breathing, the ÌNIN path, brings us to recognize ourselves whole in a world that is whole, and to experience the world through ‘sin‑fonia’, vibrating in-phase with the holo-reality: a crucial evolutionary step, a vast and fascinating prospect, an uniquely valuable roadmap.”
Ervin Laszlo, Philosopher, Scientist, Theorist of Systems Science. Twice candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Available online, or in your bookshop
ÌNIN Holographic Evolving
towards a Civilization of Symphony
A New Interrelation with Each Other and with the World
World Futures – The Journal of New Paradigm Research
Taylor & Francis, Philadelphia 2016 – Revised Edition 2017
Until we make linear questions, we will receive linear answers.
And when will we be able to see the nature of all that exists?
This research proposes a new paradigm not based on new orders of ideas, but on essential human faculties and specifically on still unexplored qualities of intuition. Just as human beings started a new interrelation with reality within the shift from pre-linguistic to linguistic era, so today we can start to interface reality through an unexplored intuitive faculty, within the shift from logic thinking into an ‘analogic-intuitive’ consciousness.
The IHE Vision
ÌNIN Holographic Evolving IHE
ÌNIN Editions, Lugano 2014
ÌNIN Holgraphic Evolving
Poetics and Project
A New Narration – The Holographic Era
The Civilization of Symphony
ÌNIN Editions, Lugano 2013
ÌNIN – One Earth Choir
Intercultural Project between Science and Art – Manifesto
on the Path of the Peoples
a Creative Archetypal and Holographic Gesture from the prehistoric graffiti to the web
to the Machine of the Wind, to the Cultures in the World
Anna Bacchia with Roman Calzaferri
ÌNIN Editions, Lugano 2012
La sostenibile Leggerezza dell’Essere
Scienza Arte e Creazione quotidiana
Una nuova esperienza dell’informazioneld
ÌNIN Editions, Lugano 2009
The Emptiness Creating
How does ‘what is not there’ become ‘what is there’?
Intuitions where Cognitive Approach is Creation Process, is Life itself
ÌNIN Editions, Lugano 2008
How does ‘what is not there’ become ‘what is there’
A New Cognitive Approach
A New Experience of Information
New Awareness Spaces
The 11th ISSEI Conference
28 July/2 August 2008 ~ Helsinki, Finland
Observations of Pure Frequencies
in Bioresonance Vocal Sounds
Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Sound and Vibration
ICSV14 – 9/12 July 2007 ~ Cairns, Australia
Observations on how Vocal Sound frequencies influence the human organism’s bioenergetic field
Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress on Sound and Vibration
ICSV9 – 8/11 July 2002 ~ Orlando, Florida, Usa
Human response to sound and vibration: Vocal Sound and bioresonance
Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress on Sound and Vibration
ICSV8 – 2/6 July 2001 ~ Hong Kong, China
Research observations on human response to Sound and Vibration
Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress on Sound and Vibration
ICSV7 – 4/7 July 2000 ~ Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
e le Voci…
..favole e racconti
e saghe..
Laura Rangoni Editore, Pioltello 1995
Fuori stampa. Alcune copie disponibili su richiesta all’Autore.