In the fourth movie of the series, Anna Bacchia presents the vision of implicit intuitive information as an unexplored process which emerges as the eloquence of phenomena and of our daily interrelations. An eloquence which informs us, orients us and opens the perspectives of our understanding beyond logical thinking, towards an anà-logical (beyond logic) vision which renews our self-insight, our choices, our designing and co-creating.
#AnnaBacchia #Consciousness #intuition #ININ #LifeLeaders
Anna Bacchia – conception, research, text, narration
filmmaker – Eric Tornaghi
executive producer – Roman Calzaferri
music – Pictures of the Floating World : Convergence, Perennial
produced by Center for ÌNIN Holographic Evolving, Lugano Switzerland
Cultural Association ‘Vocal Sound – Bacchia Studio’
Location: Milano, Italy © Anna Bacchia 2019